Innovation Awards

Summary of Innovation

Our linerless labels are a continuous-roll form of direct thermal paper media made with typically a pressure-sensitive adhesive. The labels also have a special top release coating on the facesheet. When the roll is wound, the adhesive does not stick to the top of the facesheet. In that way, a roll of linerless labels is similar to a roll of tape. Linerless labels are for use with printers that are designed with release surfaces along the paper path. These platen rollers, feed rollers, and knives are specific for use with linerless labels.
Our linerless solutions enable improved sustainability as no liner waste, no matrix waste and no media is used between labels resulting in 50% more labels per roll and 32% less material used vs standard linered product. A switch from DT Linered product to our DT Linerless results in 49% reduction in carbon and 34% reduction in water.

Innovation Statement

Our linerless solutions are built upon world-class material science innovation advancing a more sustainable world and providing true efficiency and productivity gains for the logistics market while reducing waste and delivering a resilient supply.


With our linerless labels, less is truly more and switching to linerless labels can have a significant positive impact on a logistics operation’s productivity, efficiency, safety and carbon footprint.


Posted Date1/22/24
ContactDaralyn Baldogo
Contact Email
CategoryBest New Innovation in Sustainability

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